Saturday, October 29, 2011

Charleston Mommies Trunk or Treat

We had our Annual Charleston Mommies Trunk or Treat today! Lindsey and I are co-Event Managers for the organization and were excited for this special day with our CM friends!

We hosted the Trunk or Treat at a community park in North Charleston. It is situated on the water and has a large field and playground for the kids. We also had plenty of room for the cars to line up for the Trunk or Treat. We had snacks, games, a special guest apperance from Candy the Clown, a decorated Trunk Contest and the Trunk or Treating!


Playing a little bean bag toss

UGH.... Stryker had to be a soccer player for his costume at this event. The costume we originally bought didn't fit :(

Here are some shots of our beautiful Charleston Mommies Kiddos and their costumes! I think everyone had a great time!

Candy the Clown was AWESOME! She brought her face paints and all the children waited patiently for their turn.

Love my Bugs!

Daddy giving a Trunk or Treat Thumbs Up!

After playing, snacks, face painting and some games with Candy the Clown, it was finally time for Trunk or Treating! We had a contest for best decorated trunk! We had great participation and the creativity was abundant! Check out our talented Momma's!


Our car was the snack car, so no decorating! LOL! And Daddy was in charge of handing out candy.

The Winner! Skeleton at the beach!

Having such a great time!

It was a fun afternoon with our CM friends and a great start to Halloween festivites!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

2nd Annual Pumpkin Decorating

Welcome to the 2nd Annual Pumpking Decorating Celebration with friends! I'm so excited to start all these traditions with our babies & such great friends! Last year, The Cortes' and us decorated pumpkins together; this year we invited the Grammer's to join in on the fun! We headed over to the Cortes' household to paint and carve our pumpkins! Karly had a big table set up on the back patio with all the carving and painting supplies. Alex got a roaring fire going. I was equipped with the camera. And the kids were ready (well, the GIRLS were ready... Stryker wasn't feeling it)! 

Beautiful Pumpkins

Abby Girl

Uncle Alex teaching Stryker how to pet Abby soft

Faith, Karly, CGram, Dan getting their carve on

The Grams

LOL! Look at that face! I'm thinking Faithy's not digging the pumpkin guts :)

Kar (with Tanner inside!) working on her creation

Alex getting the fire prime

Little Miss Avery painting her princess pumpkin

Toni being creative

Faith painting her pumpkin

Daddy hard at work making it perfect!

Rilee waiting patiently for her turn

A Princess Tiara!

The 2012 Gehlken Pumpkin

Karly's Pumpkin

Faith and her princess creation

This little guy had more fun playing with Uncle Alex's IPhone than pumpkin decorating

After all the pumpkin carving and painting, it was time for SMORES! YUM! The kiddos certainly enjoyed this part!

Kar loves 'em!

First attempt at a picture of the kids (Avery darted!)

So lucky to have these boys!

All our children! 2012: Avery, Rilee, Stryker & Faith

Karly & Alex 2012