Friday, May 25, 2012

Riverdogs - Suite Style

We were invited to a RiverDogs game tonight by our friends Shawn & Christie. She had extra tickets for a SUITE! What a great way to watch a game! We thoroughly enjoyed the view from the balcony and of course the AC in the suite area. We watched as the Charleston RiverDogs hosted the Greenville Drive in an exciting game!

The Field View from the Suite

Stryker, Avery & CGram enjoying the game from the suite balcony


Stryker watching baseball!

"Hey Dad! Did you see that?"


Stryker really enjoyed watching baseball and playing with us friends. He was also surprised to meet and hug Charlie the RiverDog himself! Charlie made rounds to each of the suites and the kids LOVED it! 

We left in the top of the 9th because it was getting late and I was getting tired. The RiverDogs ended up with a WIN, although it went to 13 innings! Good thing we left when we did!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Best Buds

What's better on a summer Wednesday night than some Best Bud time? NOTHING! We invited Mr Josh and Jarrett over for a little evening fun. I went for a run and when I got back, this was happening in my backyard... all the boys were having a blast!

Daddy & Mr Josh playing some Beersbie

Best Buds Jarrett & Stryker playing in the pool with water guns

After a little bite to eat (you know the boys were too busy to actually sit and consume dinner!), they were right back at it. This time it was dress up. These boys LOVE super heroes. And they love pretending to be them. 

Batman & Robin

And after a full day at school and a full evening with friends, little guys tend to pass out and sleep hard! Good night little Buggy! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

2012 Blow Up Pool

Daddy went to Big Lots and got us this year's Backyard Blow Up Pool :)
It always seems we just chunk the previous years and start from scratch each summer. And this year was no different. I wish we had a real pool in the backyard, but as boat owners, I guess it's really not necessary.

I bought a couple new bathing suits for us yesterday and Stryker modeled his for us!

I just love Old Navy's selection of little kids suits!

We headed out to the backyard to soak up some summer sun. Stryker played all afternoon in his pool and I sat right beside him and read my Hunger Games, Book 2. It was a beautiful day! Cassie came by and hung out with us for a little while to relax.

After sunning and swimming, we retreated to the AC and Dan cooked us some fried shrimp for dinner. It was delish!!! Another relaxing Sunday around the house. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nothing like some seafood!

Yay for Fridays with Friends!

Chris & Dan went crabbing & fishing today and got us some catch to feast on! The Grammer girls met up at our house for dinner.

Blue Crab

The kiddos had their own picnic on the floor of hot dogs and chips!

We grown folk got our fill of flounder, shrimp, red rice & hush puppies. The blue crab weren't exactly impressive and a whole lot of work to put into eating them! Instead, we got a kick out of hiding the boiled crab around the backyard and scarying the kids... YES~Parents of the Year!

But seriously, Blue Crab Baseball is where it's at!

The kids played in the yard all evening. Baseball, Four Wheeler riding, chasing each other... their imaginiations (and little legs) ran wild. When it got dark, Dan pulled the burn barrel around and they got a kick out of watching the fire. It was a great evening with friends!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I certainly got spoiled this year for Mother’s Day! Dan let me have Saturday “off” to enjoy some ME time. I started the day by running the Mom’s 5K Run on Daniel Island. That’s the first time I had ever run on Daniel Island in a race and it was quite beautiful! The weather was just starting to warm up, so the run was pretty comfortable. After the race, I headed over to Sullivan’s Island to meet some girlfriends for a relaxing MOMMY ONLY day at the beach. Seeing as the 5K was at 8 am, I got there about 2 hours before they did. It was nice to lay out and enjoy the quietness of the beach, the birds and the morning. I am currently reading the Hunger Games and there’s nothing like reading on the beach!

My girlfriends showed up and we laid out, talked and laughed for a few hours before heading over to Taco Mamacita and enjoying an ice cold beverage. It was a nice getaway for the day! I headed home and Dan took care of Little Man while I continued to relax and then we all went to bed early.
Sunday, Dan surprised me with a new IPhone! I was totally against switching from my Droid, but once this little devil was in my hands, it was all downhill from there! I LOVE it! I called directly and got it switched over and we spent the day on and off playing with the new phone and Siri.
We attended church with my Mom & Granny and we Mothers were treated to a super yummy lunch at Granny’s house! All the men folk (Dan, Mark, Uncle Danny & Clay) fixed us a BBQ (curiosity of Hudson’s—YUM!!!) dinner with all the trimmings. It was quite delish! And we didn’t even have to clean up! It was very special to be able to spend the day with our family and Mothers & Grandmother!
Stryker is a Mommy’s Boy for real!!!
Three Generations (on the reverse IPhone camera feature)
I have been very blessed to have such an amazing Mother. I’m sure during my teen years I hardly ever expressed it and during the death of my Daddy my Mommy got the brunt of my anger. I can’t even imagine how to start repaying her now for her everlasting love and patience. She is my rock and there is no one in this world that could be a better friend to me. I hope I can continue to show my love and appreciation for all of her years of support and love in the hopes that one day she may realize just how much she means to me! I love you Mommy! Happy Mother’s Day! And thank you for my gift.... It's a constant reminder of your love for me!