Saturday, July 30, 2011

A fun weekend!

Our friends are as important to us as our family... Actually, I consider them family as well! We've always got a house full on the weekends and having a cook out, letting the kiddos play and relaxing all together are must do's on the weekends.

Saturday, Dan, Stryker & I met Aunt Lindsey and Kendall for a carnival at Middleton Park. They had a waterslide that Stryker LOVED, a jump castle, snow cones & games.

Daddy had to help get him down the slide...well kind of. Stryker managed to stand up and get down himself.

Next it was jump castle time!

And Daddy watched

It was BEYOND hot and nothing beats the heat like a snow cone!
After a refreshing treat, Stryker showed us how big his muscles were

Kendall enjoyed watching Stryker on the waterslide & wanted her turn in the jump castle

After the carnival we walked over to the playground for some fun! Stryker is our daredevil and will try most anything once. Daddy helped him with the monkey bars.

Aunt Lindsey & Kendall on the playground

Mommy & Stryker

Mommy & Stryker

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We're Big Brother Watchers!

I've watched the reality show Big Brother for awhile now. I remember going to stay at the lake with my Granny helping to take care of my Poppa on Thursday nights and us watching together. She had me hooked from the start :)

Now, I have my very own mini-me hooked! We love to cuddle up together on the couch and watch Big Brother on Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday nights.

Being silly during the commericals is always fun!

Just recently, Daddy bought a bag of popcorn kernels and showed us how to pop our very own popcorn (It's ok, I didn't know you could do it outide the microwave either! :) ). He pops it just right so it's nice and fluffy and seasons it with his very yummy nacho cheese butter salt. So now our Big Brother tradition is to eat freshly popped popcorn on show nights!

Thanks Buggy for always watching BB with me and for knowing that 'Rachel' is a cry baby too!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Stryker's newest obsession, NERF guns. This child owns around 8 NERF guns... Shotguns, battery operated rapid fire guns, simple small guns, water guns... It's a little extreme. And I blame his Daddy for this :)

Dan certainly spoils his boy rotten! And who wouldn't with an adorable face like this!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bubble Bath

I recently purchased a new camera. I've always wanted a DSLR camera and came across a great deal that I couldn't pass up! I'm now the proud owner of a Nikon 3000! YAY! Now, I'm no professional but I do like to take photos and what better subject than my little prince!

A fun night in the bubble bath absolutely deserves to be documented!

I love taking pictures of my little guy! What a ham!

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Start

So I've decided to start this blog. Mainly, I want to capture as many precious moments as possible for Stryker to remember. The last 2.5 years have FLOWN by and I don't want to forget anything else!

The Gehlken's
Est. 2006, Grand Cayman Island

The Gehlken Family
Est. October 23, 2008

So this is the start. I'll take a few posts to fast forward October 2008- to present day. I can't wait to look through all my old pics!