This cute little girl was wondering around in the middle of the road this morning on our way to school. Me being the animal lover that I am quickly hopped out in the road to snag her up! Stryker was quite in aww of her and immediately went to playing with her. We drove around several of the neighborhoods near where we found her over and over. It was getting later and no one seemed to be looking for a dog. I was about to give up and take her with me and finally we saw a car slowly driving around as if they were looking for something. I waved them down, asked if they had lost a dog and sure enough they were the owners. Turns out she was just a puppy and had gotten out. She belonged to a teary eyed 6 year old desperate to have his best friend back.
We were very excited that we could help find the home of this precious animal! And Stryker was quite the good citizen!
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