Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vacation Countdown

We are SO excited to be joining Nana, Poppa, Uncle Bubba, Aunt Lorie & Peyton on vacation in the mountains August 25-29th. Stryker can't STOP talking about it! To help him understand how many more days til " 'cation", we made a project!

Well actually, since I'm so OCD, it was more like I made the project and Stryker watched :) He still thought it was pretty cool to be doing an art project at home though (I'm super slack when it comes to making a mess in my house - again, the OCD).

Every night after his bath, we go into his room and he gets to take one ring off the countdown to signify the end of another day and another day closer to 'cation! We count the rest of the rings left, practice what colors they are & dance around the room in excitement. See? I do teach him something (even if it's not art!)

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