Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We've officially entered the "WHY?" stage. I was not so prepared for this. And to think, this time last year I wanted to send my child to a speech therapist because I didn't think he was talking as much as the other children in his class. BOY, I was wrong! :)

I always said I wasn't going to answer a question with "Because I said so". It's tough to come up with so many reasons for trivial things when "why?" is asked so much though. I have to admit, I have slipped and "because I said so" has come out or even a "cause". Not the best answers, but Mommy gets tired too!

Tonight, Stryker went to WalMart with Daddy for a few things. When they got home, he came and proudly displayed the new toy that Daddy bought him.

Mommy: "Daddy bought you ANOTHER new toy?? Why on Earth?" (in a joking manner of course)
Stryker: (in a very dramatic throwing of the arms in a "I don't know" fashion) " CAUSE Mommy!"

(This picture is actually from vacation and not from tonight, but this face is cute not to go with a story like this!)

He keeps us rolling this child! He is talking so much now and so much more clear. He never fails to put a smile on Mommy & Daddy's faces with a comment he comes up with!

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